Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?

I've finally discovered that the difference in sound between my two Hales Transcendence 5"s is due to a difference in crossover values between the two speakers. Aparently one of the speakers was at the correct values but the other speaker's crossover was off by over 10%. I've decided to repair the speakers by having both the crossovers completely redone with new caps, coils and resisters. The crossovers of both speakers will be upgraded to better parts and they will be the same correct values(evenly matched).
My question is that will I notice a big improvement with this upgrade/mod? I am having Solen foil caps replacing the old caps, Hepta- Litz coils replacing the old coils and improved resistors although I do not know exactly which ones. Opinion would be appreciated.
Hello Mitchb..I am no expert but you should hear a difference. I strongly suggest using better caps than Solens on the tweeter/midrange section of the crossover.IMHO the Solens are fine on the bass section.If your going to do it right... put the best caps you can afford in the midrange/tweeter area. Maybe if you can swing it try some Mundorf Supremes.These caps are used in Audiodata, Audio Physiks, Avangarde Acoustic, Burmester, German Physiks, Hedler & Hoffmann, Magnat, Outsider, PHL, Sehring,Verity Audio, Symphonic Line, Trenner & Friedel. Also a lower grade version of the Supreme is used in the Sonus Fabers! So these caps are the real deal! Also if you can swing the Mundorf Silver PIOs,these are are the top of the line Mundorf caps..the Supremes are no slouches thou.Just to give you an idea the Sonus Fabers Cremonas floorstanders($8000.00) a pair use the Mundorfs 4 th best capacitor..the Supremes and Silvers are number 1 and 2 on the list!

Make sure your resistors are non inductive and spec within 1 % of each other. Here's a review of a few caps. The Crescendo and Sonic Caps are also very good! At the moment I am using a mixture of all these caps except the Mundorf Silvers.

Your responses appear to open a whole new can of worms but I am limited for now with the caps that the speaker componay I am using uses. However I can always play and experiment in the future should the mood move me. Are the caps I'm getting decent at least? There all I can get for now. Thanks
The Solens are going to sound a tad bit harsh on the tweeters.If it were me that speaker company would have to get me the Mundorfs! If your paying to have this done at least see if you can order those parts and let them install them for you. I sure hate to see you waste your money.But if that's the best you can do I understand. In the back of your mind ..you will be haunted and wondering how much better those speakers can sound! Are your upgrades being done locally?
My speakers are being done locally in Vancouver Canada and I suppose I could ask for the Mundorf caps as they probably haven't ordered the Solens yet but how much are they and which ones would be best?. Apparently my crossovers take about 14 caps each and I'd need to know which would require the better caps. I shall ask about the Mundorfs but if they are very pricy I may not be able to swing it. Thanks
Here's the site Mitchb http://www.e-speakers.com/products/mundorf.html
You can order them yourself. As I said before to save money use the Solens on the Bass section of the crossover if needed.If the Mundorfs get too pricey my next choice would be Sonic Caps http://www.soniccraft.com/parts/capacitors.htm
These caps are large so there maybe be a problem fitting them on the original crossover board..not sure of this though. The Sonics are no slouches either! These caps are used in the famous Green Mountain Audio speakers and they have a very natural and open sound. There are plenty of others out there as well some more expensive and some cheaper.

Good Luck!