klipsch horns

I have a pair of klipsch corner horns and heard they sound best with tube amps, I was wondering what amp sounded best and is reasonably priced?
snatch-up a pair of antique sound labs WAV 8's
will surprise both your ears and wallet. kurt
Hi Momofdom2,

You will probably get a lot of suggestions if you visit Klipsch's website/forum. An acquaintance of mine has a pair of the LaScala's and Cornwalls'. He is using Dodd tube equipment and it works in his setting. However, he is constantly tweaking something, like crossover or the squawker/midrange driver. Klipsch owners are unique highly driven and intelligent individuals (do you also own a Volvo or Saab?) :)
im gonna be scum for this but here it goes,bag the tubes & get a mcintosh solid state amp,i have khorns & they sound fantastic with all 7 mac amps ive had them hooked up to,i tried them with other hi end ss amps & they sucked but with the newer mac amps you cant go wrong,i just got a mc122 last night & the 1st thing i did was put it on the khorns & it is sweet.