Speaker Suggestions for ARC VT100

I am looking for suggestions on which speakers I should audition. Currentley I am using an Audio Research VT100 mk II amplifier with an Audible Illusions L1 preamp. I listen 90% to large scale classical (think Stravinsky, Mahler & Shostakovich). My room size is approximately 15 ft X 20FT. Price new should be no more than $6k. Hopefully making them used at about $3K or under. However, the cheaper the better!

Thanks in advance.
I've used the VT-100 (I & III) with Audio Artistry Dvorak, Proac 3.8, Kef Ref-III V2 and Thiel 1.6 w/sub (current).
They ALL sounded good so I guess amp is versatile.
I'd bet the Cain&Cain BEN single would sound magnificent.
I'd also like to try with Harbeth monitor-40.
Of course, the Tyler Linbrook would also work.
Someone listed a pair of Paragon Jubilee/Jems on the For Sale site for 2300. These are full range dynamic speakers using Dynaudio drivers. The have a excellent impedence values for tubes (8ohm nominal and 5.6ohm minimum), are very transparent and dynamic. I have used them in my system since 1996 - and I drive them with tube amps. They replaced Quad 63's (which I still have, just in case). They are tonally very neutral and they completely disappear into the sound stage. Paragon went out of business a few years ago - you rarely see these up for sale. Very highly recommended, especially at the asking price.
I have also used this great amp on my top end of the Infinity RS 1-B's. They worked quite well!!
Infinity intermezzo 4.1t's are discontinued & selling new @ under 3k w/ship. built in powered sub w/room correction, not preludes but close...