Magnepan 3.6r's - are they to much for my room?

After years of dynamic speakers, I am considering a switch to planars. I am interested in the maggie 3.6's, but a little concerned about the room. It is 14'x18' with 5' openings on both ends, which lead to other rooms.I have my system set up in my preferred way with the speakers on the long wall. This arrangement would lead to the speakers being out about 3.5'from the wall, with about 7' apart, and my listening position 8'away.

Jazz makes up most of my listening,using a Classe 301 amp,Joule pre-amp with an audio research cd-2.

Thanks in advance for your help!
FWIW I always felt my Maggie 1.6s were too big for my 13 x 22 room, even with ficus trees to cut down the QR mid driver they seemed to have too much upper energy. Also the bass overpowered the room a little. I wished I had about 2' - 4' more width for optimal sound. I like my music loud so it may not be a problem in your set up if you do not feel the need for concert volumes, which the Maggies will achieve :)

I hope this helps.

Thanks for all your responses, although I believe the 3.6's will work, maybe I should consider the 1.6 instead.One thing that I have often thought is that I overpower the room with some of my larger dynamic speakers rather than using the brands smaller offerings. I don't want to keep doing the same thing.

Thanks for your comments! not quite sure what I will do yet.
You could also talk with your dealer about getting the 1.6 to see how well it works in your room and then possibly upgrading to the 3.6's later for the full value of the 1.6's, a lot of dealer will do this.
Jkw1: This type of speaker will probably work better on the short wall firing into a longer room. Don't know if you can configure them this way or not, but it is food for thought. Then again, this room isn't that much different in lengths and widths, so the results might not be as different as i'm thinking.

One more thing. This speaker will load the room differently than conventional "front firing" dynamic designs. Optimal performance / speaker placement might be very different from what you've had when all is said and done. Sean