Are smaller high end speakers really better

I have gone the route of small Dynaudio etc....Small speakers(Standmount) that the various companies try to get to sound big. In the long run I find them fatiguing to listen to. I have even had a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage! I came back to a simple set of Boston Acoustics A200's(80's vintage!!!!) I'm sorry!!! But I like them alot. They have great imaging, are very flat and very open sounding. I found the high end speakers of today are almost too revealing, too clinical, not as smooth, too much information. I know it's subjective but that's how I feel. I know I'll take heat for this but all I can say is trust your ears and really stand up for what you like, not what all the reviews say. Look at me from a pair of 8000.00 Guarneri I ended up choosing a set of 700.00 Boston Acoustics A200's(A great speaker in it's own right)that sound great to me. Especially when you consider the price difference!!!!!!!By the way I listen to all kinds of music from classical to fusion to the Stones, perhaps that's the key, the old vintage high fi speakers do everything well. Now it's like speakers are too specialized in one category. If all I listened to is violin I would have stayed with the Guarneri, but they came up short when I listened to the Stones etc.....The A200's don't. Makes you wonder if we're really making head way or just making really expensive limited speakers! By the way my electronics are two Tandberg 3009A monoblocks with a Tandberg 3008A preamp. Once again very smooth sounding vintage gear, and built like tanks. Anyway good listening and remember, less is sometimes more.

Sonus Faber fatiguing? Go figure. Sounds to me like something else may be awry. My monitors (Harmonic Precision, Caravelles) are not only non fatiguing, but have bass that,( although a sub, for me, is a requirment) for many, will satisfy. Powerful, prodigious bass slam from this little monitor, plus coherence to die for.
I don't think the subject should rename to modern speakers vs vintage speakers. It is true that more revealing will create more fatigue listening in the long run since your grain need to focus more on the detail.
Oops typo. I mean to say subject line should be modern speakers vs vintage speakers. If you listen to non revealing speaker then it will put you to sleep because it lacks of excitment. Too much of anything is not good. Your taste and ear need to decide for your brain.
I would hardly call your Tandberg gear very smooth sounding. More like typical mediocre solid state sounding. Meaning, thin, two dimensional, somewhat hard and fatigueing. This is probably the reason you prefer the warm and somewhat soft sounding Boston's over a more revealing speaker.
"Better" is a relative term...the trademark of hi-end monitors has always been very focused, stable imaging and improved transparency(vs. larger speakers)...however...the majority of modern monitors can sound bright and thin if paired with inferior electronics(which baffle touched upon)...that being said...I wouldnt put Sonus Faber in that category...they are more in the "musical" camp vs. audiophile/reference sound...and image extremely well...just my input...for the record...I own GMA Europas...and couldnt be happier...