Are your systems more Plato or Aristotle?

I think mine is more on the side of Plato. I prefer a system that can communicate the essense of music rather than the substance of music.

Let's face it. With the current technology, no system in the world that can recreate a live event therefore it might as well create, let's say an alternate reality, that you may enjoy. If you can't get the real thing, there's no point of pretending. I mean you can't even be sure of your own existence.

Sweet dreams!!!
Eldartford, Ozfly, Buscis2, Shubertmaniac: pretty much everything and everyone is either Platonic or Aristotelian and that includes Arnold Schwarznegger, Audrey Hepburn, and Hegel.
Ozfly, depends on the school of thought, but I believe substance is defined as the core and essence the extension of that core (mode). Substance is not subject to change while essence will depending on a number of extended attributes. As such, essence does not exist without substance. I guess in audio terms, substance would be the recording, it's essence (what we hear) being extended by (our equipments) applicable attributes. What does this all mean, I have no idea. Actually, an intersting side note, it was "audiophilism" that got me off the lost lands of philosophy. Or rather, it was philosophy that lead me here. Not sure if I'm better off, but I'm having a heck of a time.
Andy2, Descartes will set you free my man.
I would think Plutonians would emphasize more of an examination what is music through metaphysicals; whereas, Aristoleans would emphasize more on the equipment and measurements through the physicals. Also, the former would be "ever-evolving", and the latter would be in its final state. Neither would represent a school of thought of pure musical enjoyment as both "see" the music but not actually hearing it.
Mine is more on Shakesperean and Egglestonian, and
Oddyssynean.Poetic,full of emotion, no Pee Wee.