Power Cable or Power Conditioner?

Right now I am running a AES Signature SuperAmp and AE3 preamp with a Cary 303 100 CDP through B&W CDM7nts. They are all plugged into a 'Tripplite' power conditioner/surge protector. Right now Im not sure if I should start replacing power cables (if so which ones first) or get a new power conditioner. Ideally I would get a mid level Monster Conditioner or if I really stretch a used PS Audio PS-300. (not sure if I can afford this) I would like to spend under 500$ for a conditioner (any suggestions) and I would absolutly refuse to spend more than 100$ on a power cable. (anyone have thoughts on Blue Circle Power Cables they seem reasonably priced and well made?) Long story short..HELP! Someone steer me in the right direction!
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
In my previous post, I meant the Monster Cable HTS 1000. Anyway, happy listening.
There are some great recipes for power cords on the audio asylum website. For under $100 you can build a power cord that would cost considerably more. The major cost to you is time. It will probably take two hours to make your first cord.
The Harmonic Discord website has recipes also if you want to look around more.
I've used some of the less expensive power line conditioners and as a rule I think they get in the way of the music. The better ones (i.e. ps audio/tice) sound a lot better and actually work.
Good luck
Hi Squiddy. Here is another thought. I have tried the Virtual dynamics PC's. They are to be used without power conditioners direct into the wall. Now I do both. I use the VD audition on the amp directly into the wall. I have a panamax surge protector plugged into a monster hts1000. The monster is plugged into a VD cryoed power 2 extension cord into the wall. Friends were in on the weekend. They haden't heard the system before the cords and we played dire straits "loud". "Iron Hand" from "On Every Street". The sound was clear, deep, powerful. We listened in awe. We had heard them perform this live when they had toured. The point of this is you have a choice. You could pick up a used or discontinued monster hts1000[highly recomended] and get a vd power cord and use it on the amp. Later you could put a vd extension cord on the monster and lift its performance again. Do lift your power conditioner off the floor or carpet. Bricks work nicely.
Nrchy is right. Most of the power conditioners I've heard mess up the sound -- either just a little or a whole lot. And I'll bet he's right about the cords, too.
9rw, Nrchy already pointed out that cheap power conditioners will sound bad and he is right. You then use his qualified statement as proof for your unqualified statement that 'Most' power conditioners mess up the sound.

Sorry, but you are simply wrong on this point.