B&W CDM 9NT vs 804's

For those of us who own the B&W CDM 9NT...is the 900.00 cost difference justified by moving up to the 804's? Obviously,to some people the 804's are a much more sleeker and dynamic looking speaker which in itself may be worth the extra money BUT is there an audibile difference that warrants the extra cash for the 804's?
The 804's are much better, if you have a dealer near you simply ask for a demo perhaps some james taylor or some steeley dan.. and listen to the overall sound, i have found the 804's to be superb, but it is all up to you, the listener.
Really just go listen to them
here is my suggestion...instead of spending a ton of cash on Nautulis 800 line give a listen to the Matrix 800 series. The matrix series is much more musical if maybe a tad less in detail than the Nautulis series. I had a pair of B&W 801 Matrix III for about 8 yrs. I
luved them to death. So when the Nautulis series came out i bought a pair of 802N's. I figured heck they gotta be better than the Matrix 800 series. Wrong!!! i kept the 802N's for 3 yrs. Tried to convince myself that they HAD to be better.
Well i just sold them and bought a pair of 801 Matrix III.
wow...back to nirvana. And i saved a ton of cash. i would highly reccommend the 802 or 801 matrix. You can get them
basically dirt cheap used. The Nautulis series IS more detailed but no where near as musical. The Nautulis sound
thin when compared to the Matrix. I just dont get that toe tapping feeling with the Nautulis like i do the Matrix. Just thought i convey my thoughts Happy Listening
Gotta agree with Rocky here.For the price of what you'd spend on the 9NT,N803, N804 or any Nautilus..You really have to check out the Matrix 801 S2 or S3.They are a real bargain for their used prices and deliver the goods I found the Matrix 801 S2 more musical and better balanced than the Nautilus 801 when at my local dealers show room. I was lucky to get my Dad to ultimately sell me his Matrix 801 S2 with Van Alstine fix on the Xover board. I thought I had my speaker in the Von Schweikert VR2, but the 13 year old Matrix 801's still shine...Just my experience..Happy Listening!--Ken