700 series = new version ofCDM NT line
Nautilus 800 series = new version of Matrix series
704's = newer CDM 7NT
703's = newer CDM 9NT
N804's = newer Matrix 804
If you have high end quality components (dvd, pre/pre, amplifier, etc..), then the Nautilus line will sound much better.
If you have mediocore components, the 700 series is more forgiving and will hide the flaws and sounds.
Nautilus 800 series = new version of Matrix series
704's = newer CDM 7NT
703's = newer CDM 9NT
N804's = newer Matrix 804
If you have high end quality components (dvd, pre/pre, amplifier, etc..), then the Nautilus line will sound much better.
If you have mediocore components, the 700 series is more forgiving and will hide the flaws and sounds.