Revel Studio Discussion- Everything Studio Here

Hello all
Thought this would be a great forum for all of us Revel Studio Owners to discuss issues relevant to these excellent speakers. Amlification, wiring, questions, concerns- its all fair game!
Having owned f-30's until just recently and now owning revel studios, it has been my impression that the highs are definitely more revealing on the studios. the midrage is to die for and that the bass did not have the "wow factor" i was hoping for.

I have to be honest, i really liked my f-30's (they are a GREAT value!!!!!!) and I do like my studios. I do not know if i LOVE the studios yet. Granted, I have not yet spent the time required for proper set-up. That will be an evolving process. I do believe that the studios are really honest speakers- they exactly reproduce what you feed them and this is true for the original audio signal (cd) as well as equipment upstream of the speaker. To be honest, when i first got the f-30's i was underwhelmed as well but after a lot of set-up time i came to love them more than any other speaker i had owned. I do think placement is key as just a little movement in these speakers has made a huge difference in soundstage, etc...
room treatment is also key and i have yet to go down that road.

in terms of how they sound compared to the salons. a friend of mine has salons and they are a no holds barred unbelievable speaker. i think that paired with subs, the studios hold their own against the salons but they lack the dynamic "slam" that the salons have. keep in mind that for both of these, you do need a big room.
both of these speakers can be somewhat tiring on long listens-at least this has been my impression. i think that once you start down the revel line- many people are mistaking "brightness" with merciless reproduction of the presented material and this can be fatiguing. Personally, i find the b&w nautilus line to sound a lot more "bright" and tinny than the revels do.

i have just started experimenting with turning down the front tweeter and have noticed a huge difference as of yet.
the rear tweeter is key for the sense of "air" that these speakers can reproduce and a such i would be hesitant to turn them down.

I would love to hear others thoughts on amplification (tube versus solid state), placement and components (including cables).

in terms of cables, i am using alpha core mi 2 veracity biwires- they are ok but i have heard nordost and analysis plus are excellent matches for this line.
I've got the Revel Studios with the Ayre V-5x amp, ARC LS 16 MK2 preamp, Cary 306-100 cdp. I did hear the Salons with the top ML components at a store in Manhattan. The Salons are huge and sound amazing. Price and space constraints prevented me from getting them. I love what I've got. Now I'm looking to upgrade my analog rig from the MMF-5 I currently have. The Ayre amp is smooth ! That being said I don't consider myself enough of an audiophile to get into soundstage and imaging and the like.
I compared the F30s and the Studios in my reviews. The biggest differential is the midrange in clarity and integration.

I own Salons, so please forgive the slight digression.

Brightness. I do not agree that they are inherently bright. In fact, they are rolled off somewhat above 12,000 Hz. (mine measure that way, my friend's measure that way, and John Atkinson's measurements revealed a roll off as well). The Revels are very accurate and transparent, and like with the better silver cables, they will merely let you know if your upstream components are doing something wrong, e.g., grain in solid-state gear.

Solid-state vs. tube. I am biased, as it is my experience that no solid-state amp can layer sound or portray timbre like a good tube amp. I use VAC 140/140's with zero feedback with my Salons in a big room, with great results (I do have dedicated 20 amp lines for each amp). I have heard the Salons with SF Power 3's, and there is great synergy (excellent choice). I have a close friend using CAT limited edition monoblocks with his Salons (awesome). The Studios and Salons like current, and you therefore need a tube amp with really high quality power supplies and high quality output transformers that can nail the voltage-to-current conversion (this is way more important than continuous wattage ratings, although wattage certainly helps).

Speaker Cables - My dealer, and a second dealer whom I trust and who does not deal Kimber, both said that Kimber Select is THE speaker cable to use with Salons. Two weeks ago, I spoke with another dealer (whom I do not know) who said that Voecks used Kimber Select when designing the Salon -- I do not know if this is true. I use Kimber Select 3038, the all-silver version, with great success.

The Salons (and presumably the Studios) are what they eat, i.e., very accurate and transparent, and just pass along the signal. I can and do listen all day -- no fatigue and only pleasure.

Nice thread. Thanks.
interesting about the cabling
I wonder if 8tc would have some of the same sonic characteristics if one had needs for a long relatively affordable run?
Any thoughts on how rogue audio tube mono-blocks may mate with the studios/salons?