Speakers similar to Avantgarde horn

I was just mesmerized when I first heard them. It was the closet of a live sound I've ever heard. The only problem is that because of their size and shape, they probably won't fit in with the rest of my room and furniture.
So I am looking for a similar pair of conventional speakers that have the same type of sound for future purchase.
You might want to consider the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5. Extremely lively, uses superb drivers, and not too big.

The Avantgarde Solos are the newest horns. Perhaps not quite as good as the bigger horns, but smaller, more wife friendly, and cheaper with built in power amps. have listen. You won't be disappointed
In order of size (and likely corresponding average price you will find them at, although there are always bargains to be found); Klipsch Khorn, Belle Klipsch, Klipsch LaScala, Klipsch Cornwall, Klipsch Heresy All have the stunning clarity and speed of horn drivers, are more 'conventional' looking, utilitarian if you will. MUCH cheaper on the used market. Fantastic with tubes - Don't bother IMO with solid state - go another direction. Will sound even better with some modifications (search archives here, on Audioasylum, and on the Klipsch forum).
