NHT 3.3 or von Scheikert VR4

Any thoughts on the comparison to the NHT 3.3 or Von Schweikert VR4's. Considering both but wanted some real life comparisions. Need big full range sound. Thanks!
No experience with the Von Schweikert, but have heard the 3.3's extensively in a good friends high-powered SS Levinson system. They have some of the deepest, cleanest bass I've ever heard in his configuration (or any other for that matter). Very dynamic, fast and detailed. I do believe they would need some muscle behind them. Very large, heavy and teutonic in appearence. Side firing woofers reqire some room to breath. Definitely a full range sound with nice balance...perhaps a bit heavy in the lows, but I'm just not used to hearing that kind of bass being a SET/tube guy.

Timo - you can't be serious....or else you have not seen a pair of 3.3's up close and personal. They are anything but 'cheesy' IMHO. I have no experience with the rest of their line to speculate as to whether you may be referring to NHT's in general and not specifically to the 3.3. Would you elaborate on that one?

Jax2: NHT 3.3 are unstable and tippy (too narrow of a footprint). They are braced by metal feet which, IMO are not well-integrated into the design. They don't have the refinement of sound like the VR4. NHT are adequate for Home Theatre, but not a high quality, 2 channel audio system.
Absolutely agree on the awkward and narrow footprint, but that's where my agreement ends as far as the construction of the speakers go. Sound pretty spectacular in my friend's system, and I'm not even an SS fan. Never heard the VR4's though (as I said). Maybe I ought to!
