Loreena McKennitt and Eva Cassidy

My fellow audiophools, twas you guys that turned me on to these guys. I just finished listening to The Book of Secrets and Cassidy's Live at Blues Alley. Wow! Where do I go from here with these guys? Which albums of theirs' next? Thanks in advance. warren
Thanks for the tips guys. While I have you here: anybody hear of Rebecca Pidgeon's, Raven on Chesky? peace, warren
Warren- I've got that one. Its OK, but not in same league with Eva Cassidy (sorry, not a big Loreena McKinne fan). It was recorded using equipment designed by George Kaye, designer of Moscode amps.
One of you guys recommended Kim Richey's, Glimmer. It's a real good one. I'm loving it. Thanks, warren