DIY Speaker Kits - Suggestions.
1. Anyone have a suggestion, or more importantly, first-hand experience, for/with high-end DIY Speaker Kits that use high-quality drivers in a floor-standing speaker? Fully-assembled kits?
I'm thinking of Scan-Speak, Seas, Eton, Raven, (other drivers?)-- especially if the kits employ a transmission line bass. (Seas/Thor?)
Hopefully, someone has either made a kit or bought one fully assembled that they believe can compete favorably with more commercially available products.
2. Suggestions for a high-end floor-standing speaker from small companies led by respected audio veterans - owners/designers?
My thought is this: although they may produce an excellent product, the company hasn't made a big splash in the audio industry due to lack of marketing and advertising - or for other legitimate reasons. They usually - but not always - sell direct to the consumer.
I can think of: Source Technologies, Carolina Audio, Reimer, Buggtussel. I'm sure there others that someone can recommend.
Any and all recommendations will be appreciated.
Thank You