Genesis V vs. 300

Anyone have experience with both of these speakers? I own the V but have not heard the 300. I would appreciate any input.


They are quite different. 1st difference stems from the 300's ribbon drivers in the mid-high range. 2nd difference is that the hi section is an 3tweet array. All this indicates that all the way down to the sub, the sound is "ethereal" with a touch less "punch" than the V (which have dynamic drivers), the details in the vocals are angelic rather than meaty (V); strings are better with the 300, the highs are a question of taste between the two (I'm not sure I don't detect a lobing from the 300's 3tweets), the bass is more difficult to integrate in the 300 in a normal sized room -- there seems to be a bump b/ween 50-70 Hz whatever you do (but that's easily attributable to the room). The 300 also go lower more easily. Subjectively, I'd say the V, being a small speaker, integrates sub+upper range a tad more easily/better...

What is it about the V's you wish to improve?
I really like my Vs - just have this sick need to try new things... I saw a pair of the 300s around for a decent price and wondered if it would be worth messing with. I don't have a huge listening room, so the 300s would probably overwhelm it. The Vs are even a bit of a stretch there.

Thanks for the advice.

Jwilt: I also own Genesis V's. I have not heard the 300s, but have listened to the 20ls. I found that the 20ls require a very large room in order to "bloom" properly. In a smaller room where one must sit closer to the speakers, the 20ls are very "hard" sounding, and lack warmth and spaciousness. I have a question for you. What power amplifier have you found works best with the V's? Do you prefer solid-state or tubes? Also, have you compared the V's with the newer 50l's? Thanks for your thoughts.