Has anyone heard th enew Epiphany's??

OK all...how many of you heard these (the 12/12's) at the show last week? What were your comments about the speaker both with and without the sub-woofer. Thanks for your comments.

I listened with the Epiphany's driven by the Tenor Hybrid's at the NYC show in a too small room with inadequate current (1 15amp line) driving the system, and thought they sounded phenomenal. Enveloping is a good word to describe their signature, with excellent PRaT and immediacy. I was shocked when I learned of their retail price and consider them a great value. Of course, the Tenor and Meitner electronics were other key ingredients, but overall one of the best sounding combos I heard at the show.
I don't believe the speakers were well set up. This was confirmed by one of the Epiphany folks on the first day; apparently, they did not have complete control over the placement of the speakers, since they were sharing the cost of the room with the electronics manufacturers.

Maybe the less-than-optimal setup is the reason I came away unimpressed. The biggest problem was the soundstaging--very unstable, with a seeming gap in the middle and a tendency to collapse around one speakers if you weren't sitting in the middle seat. Tonality and dynamics seemed good but not excellent.

I am eager to hear the Epiphany speakers again under better conditions.

Yes, the speakers had been re-adjusted prior to my visit for a listen on Sunday. As with all shows, the difference between a Friday listen and Sunday can in some cases be quite dramatic. And the room, along with the single 15amp power line available, were definitely limiting factors. Still, Sunday had the Epiphany's in fine form, and I was summarily impressed as were others in the room at the time.