Who has listened to Sonus Faber "Cremona Auditor"

I heard these fine speakers today and wanted to know who out there has heard the Auditor? They sounded great to me but that was only for a 10 minute listen. Anyone else hear these and like them? What equipment was used with them?
I have one pair driven by the Krell 400xi integrated. Happy with the sound. My advice is bring some CDs which you are very familar with and play them through these speakers.
There are lots of Auditor owners out there, but they are just ignoring you.

I own several pairs of SF speakers, Auditor is one of my favorite. Compare to EA1, it's more neutral on top and mid, but can't compete with bass in weight. I still like EA1 for string music, I have been brain washed by Dynaudio Esotar for way too long I find anything else not as seductive.

Image wise, it's one of the best on earth with huge soundstage width and depth. But I will warn you in advance you need to drive them with lots of power if you plan to use them in large room. In my 14x18 room, my BAT VK-75SE does run out of steam on 4 ohm tab. Adding a sub will definitely help here.

Also, if you don't use OEM stands, do tilt them back as much as you could to tame the slightly aggressive top end.
I went into a Magnolia Audio store and wanted to hear the Auditor. I was really disappointed with the small soundstage and rather veiled sound. However, it had interesting imaging which was set back behind the speakers like listening to music way back in a concert hall. Also the speakers were a lot smaller than I thought. To be fair, this store has very mediocre sounding electronics. I was listening to a Krell 120 watt integrated amp. The sound had absolutely no liquidity and sounded flat. There were two Martin Logan speakers in the room that absolutely blew them away (In my opinion), the Aeon and Ascent. However, I was really glad to get home and listen to my system which is multiple times better sounding than anything in that store. (Again, I blame the electronics!)

The store is beautiful...however, it's just a Best Buy with nicer stuff.

I heard a pair of Cremona Auditors last april at a local hi-shop and they sounded great driven by an entry level naim intergrated amp. I don't remember the amp's model number. At the time I thought the Auditors were one of the most musically involving and refined monitors I had ever heard, and promptly purchased a pair. Unfortunately the dealer failed to mention that the Auditors require exact precise room placment to sound their best, and I was never able to get them to sound as they did in the showroom. The dealer also told me they needed about 300 or more hours burn-in time, as opposed to Summiko distribution's suggestion of just 25 hours. I spent the next three months burning them in, and at 250+ hours and the Auditors went from sounding warm and dull to overly bright and etchy. No matter where I placed them in my listening room they sounded dreadful, and I promptly got rid of them. However to be fair and honest I suspect that my equitment, (consisting of a Musical Fidelity AC3r Pre-amp/B&K Sonata series EX330 amp/Theta pearl transport/Aragon D2A2 mkII Da converter), were either a complete mismatch or not refined enough to have been used with the Cremona Auditors. unfortunatly I will never know what went wrong. but I must also stress that I had used the same Equitment successfully with a pair of Platinum Audio solo's a few years ago.
PS. I also used Cardas cross and micro-twin interconnects as well as Analysis Plus Oval Nine speaker cable and wonder if they were the cause of my difficulty. Any comments would be greatly Appreciated. Thanks!