Merlin Room at 2004 HE Show in NY

If anyone is going to the 2004 Home Entertainement Expo in NY this weekend (5/21~23), could you please report on how the Merlin room sounds with its new VSM-MX speakers? I understand they will be showing with Joule-Electra and JPS Labs cables.

I have the MXs on order and want to get some comparative feedback from the show goers since I can't attend. Comparisons with VSM-Ms, Kharmas, or any other top-class speakers (or room comparisons) would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
if you guys think the merlin room sounded good at the show,wait till you set them up at home, I heard a pair of Mx's with the Berning 270 at a friends house ,i think it blew away anything at the show..cant wait to upgrade my M to Mx.
Bobby you are the best..
Hi Diamonddude18,
When you are ready just give me a call or e-mail and I take care of you personally.
Thanks for the kind words.
Bobby, I hope I don't offend you, but I think my entry point into Merlin will be first through a used pair. I just want to be honest, as I feel it's the best policy. I am thinking that will happen within the next year.

Afterwards, either through upgrade or a new pair, I would love to move towards a more "acceptable" relationship with Merlin.

Thanks again,
Hi Joe,
I don't care whether you get a new or used pair, you'll still have my product and I will be just as happy to have you as one of the Merlin family. You will find out that I am true to my product first and the owner second This means that anyone who owns a Merlin product is treated the same way...period.
Have a great weekend.
What speaker cables did you use this time around?
howard from Sacramento.