Von Schweikert VR-4,Jr.

Was anyone else as impressed by these speakers at HE 2004 as I was? I thought their performance was stupendous, and can only wonder what the bigger models sound like.
I thought they sounded spectacular but there were some very friendly room modes at work with many of the cuts. This is not a criticism of the speaker, just an observation about the demo conditions.
I purchased these speakers before the show and was initially underwhelmed. I have allowed them to break-in probably about 50 hrs. I did attend the show and do agree that they sounded great. I can tell you that since they have broken in some, that their sound in my room is now awesome. I do not have any room treatments and have not even insert the spiked feet and feel that my sound is close to the demo room. My wife even noticed the difference. Break-in period is 200 hours so I can't wait. These are definitely great speakers.
I was just at the HE show in New York and it was great to meet Albert,Brian & Kevin and for us to match the voices to the faces.

The longest lines for demonstrations were at the Von Schweikert room on the 7th floor.2nd longest line I noticest (and not nearly as long)was at the Cinepro home theatre room.A vac amp/preamp was used and an exotic transport(do not recall)An electrocompaniet ecd-1 dac was also used.I purchased that dac by speaking to Kevin a few months ago about gear they are excited about.

The sound was holographic, detailed, natural,dynamic and bass was tight,deep and detailed.I own Vr-4 SE's for about 3 months now and am delighted with all that they do.

Had I had a chance to compare the JR's with the SE's it possibly would have been a tough choice which speaker to choose.The VR-4SE's edge is there and not by a big margin.

The JR's with their finished cabinets and smaller size,1/3 less cost,tunability and incredible sound are in a class of their own at their price point.At least IMO.
Saki70, the VR-4JRs were powered by the $19K VAC integrated amp with a substantial outboard power supply, Aero Caitole transport, Electrocompaniet DAC and impressive cabling.

I agree that the performance based on snippets of various recordings, was very good with $30K of electronics delivering the signal. It would be interesting to audition the JRs with electronics more in line with the cost of the speakers, which appear to be an excellent value plus very attractive.
