GMA Europa owners, what amps do you use?

I am in the process of evaluating the Europas with a 45 Watt tube amp and a pair of solid state monos. After preliminary comparisons, I can see strengths of both approaches. I am wondering what other GMA owners are using to power their speakers.
128x128tcbannon the next version of Europas going to have larger mid/woofers, sealed or ported?, and more bass extension?
Hi Phasecorrect-
I don't want to use the Audiogon forum for marketing purposes.
We will release info, available by direct e-mail from me, in another 10-12 days.
Hope you understand!
Just a FYI for anyone,

I rec'd my pair of AES Six Pac tube mono bloc amps yesterday. At 50 watts P/P Class A/AB, they are a great match for the Europas. My listening room is about 12x15 and I sit about 9-10 feet away, in the Northeast.

I think I am hooked on tubes!

I know it's early, but how do you think the 50 watts drive your Europas at louder volumes? My room and amp are very sililar in size and power, I'm satisfied, but just wondering what your impressions are.
I was listening tonight at pretty decent levels and had no problems whatsoever.
