Marakanetz, is that the Meatball Parmesan mkII or mkIII? I feel the extra cheese on the newer version helps firm up the bass overall without sacrificing the lowest octaves.
I was using a half-assed set up that served double-doody for HT and music comprised of an NHT SW3P passive fed by a Paradigm X30 and Bryston 4B. Now that I changed to floorstanders that sub set up is used for HT only. I have been considering a REL Stadium III or Stentor III somewhere down the line.
I was using a half-assed set up that served double-doody for HT and music comprised of an NHT SW3P passive fed by a Paradigm X30 and Bryston 4B. Now that I changed to floorstanders that sub set up is used for HT only. I have been considering a REL Stadium III or Stentor III somewhere down the line.