How much burn-in for Soliloquy 5.3s


I recently purchased a demo pair of Soliloquy 5.3s, which I figured might have enough hours on them (dealer said he thought they had about 50 hrs) to sound reasonably good out of the box. Wrong! They sound absolutely horrible; very compressed, bass muddy and distant, treble subdued to the point of being almost not existant. At one point I actually thought the tweeter was nonfunctional since I could barely hear any extension at all. I hope I didn't make a big mistake. Anyway, I am hoping that folks out there with experience with these might be able shed some light (sound!) on what I can expect.
Also I'm not sure if your speakers have the newer drivers. Towards the end there before coming out with the 5.3i, Soliloquy were selling a whole bunch of Frankenstein 5.3's when they ran out of some of the 5.3 components. These 5.3's have the metallic 5.3i drivers in them which are unmistakable by their metalic 'O' in each driver (see the site with the new speakers). I have no idea whether those drivers require more, less or the same time for break-in. You may phone Soliloquy for such advice. I would imagine they'd be different being entirely different drivers altogether. The crossovers have changed too in the newer model, and I don't know if they were using those in the Frankenstein versions. If your drivers are all black they are the older (original) 5.3 drivers.

Thanks to everyone who responded. I will definitely stick it out and report back to all with impressions. I do in fact have the old drivers since the date stamp on the back of the speakers is 1999. Kind of wierd that a pair of 5.3s manufactured in 1999 sat on a show room floor all this time!

I would also be interested in people's opinion on the new "i" series and how they compare.
Oh, by the way, I would also be interested in knowing what interconnects and speaker cables folks are using. I swithed out Kimber Silver streaks that were used on my Musical Fidelity A3cr amp/pream and Musical Hall Maverick for Signal Cables (a cheaper alternative). I currently am using Kimber 8TC/4TC biwire but based on Jimd's reponse may switch that out as well.

Cody, I got the 6.3's last September. I've got a tuner and had them going for 4 weeks 24/7. It took longer than that for the sound to really fill out. I use Purist Musaeus Shotgun BiWire for my speaker cables. They work very well in my system.
I had the 5.3's, and now have the 6.2's. Patience, patience, and more patience. They will surprise you when they finally break in (about 500 hours). It will certainly be worth the wait.