Monitor recommendations with sensitivity =90

I am putting together a small bedroom system using an 18 watt tubed amp. Looking for recommendations for small monitor type speakers with good sensitivity:>=90. Triangle speakers(Titus, Comte) is one I came across. However, a lot of good small monitors have relatively low sensivity;86-87. Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
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Try out the Cabasse range of spks. They have some very sexy looking and good sounding monitors. Should fit most contemporary decors with a high WAF factor.
I have heard good things about Omega Loudspeakers.

I have heard the Reference 3A's and thought they were special.

Another option that comes to mind is a Voigt Pipe such as TWL uses. The Cain & Cain Abby is a comericially available product.

There are other DIY options as well. The Zigmahornet is one particulary interesting DIY project.

Here is another DIY loudspeaker built by Jerry Seigel. I am not aware of the efficiency of this design.
klipsch reference series with the RB-5 looking like the best of the medium sized moniters. These can be had for less than 600 inc shipping in USA 48 states with warranty. Very efficient at 96db and 8 ohms, rated to 48hz.
There is a manufacturer here in Phoenix. They are called Celestial AV. They are highly meticulous and their speakers sound really good. They make a monitor that I auditioned in one of their rooms with a little Cary SLI-80 and this thing was sweet. Thinking that the price was around $1,000. Claiming no crossovers and that was what made them so good. All I know is that they will be in my next bedroom system. Not sure of their website but do a search.

Good listening,

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ