Best in depth of soundstaging and ease for 2k?


I'm looking for a pair of speakers that will go for $2000 or less on Audiogon. I listen almost solely to classical music, and what I really care about is deep soundstaging, and ease of presentation. I think ease is really my most important criterion. Since those two criteria will generally make for a relatively analytical speaker, I plan on warming up the sound with tube gear, likely from Rogue Audio(seems to be the best value on the used market). Does anyone have any recommendations? My room is 17 x 13. Bass response is not my biggest concern, so I might be willing to go with a pair of monitors, but I worry about their presentation of large orchestral works...

Thanks very much.
I'll second the SR 17's or any of the Silverline speakers.... They sound like just what you're after and can be driven with almost any of your favorite flavor amps (from SET to SS muscle). The Coincidents are also worth investigating for similar reason(s). Good luck and happy listening.
To Boa2,

Thank you so much for your advice, I really appreciate it (same goes for everyone else). I see that there's someone selling the Silverline Sonata II's for about $1700. It seems like that might be a better way to go than the SR-17s (no one has a pair for sale at the moment anyway).

What's a SET amp? Is that a category, or a specific brand? Sorry for the ignorance, this is my first serious hi fi purchase. Also, I'm interested in the Wright monoblocks you mentioned; I had no idea that any speaker could be driven with so little power... Obviously there's something I'm not understanding here, but how can 5wpc monoblocks cost more than some 150wpc ones? The quality difference can't be THAT drastic. Can it?
The Silverline speakers work very well with both tube and SS amps. They have a very open and warm sound, and are highly efficient. The SR-17's are superb monitors. I've heard the Sonata III's, but not the II's. Other than the fact that I'm so partial to the Klipsch's, I have to say that the Silverline's were perfect to my ear (and to my wife's as well). We auditioned them at the Silverline headquarters.

SET stands for Single Ended Triode. SET amps are usually lower wattage, are direct wired, and have a glorious, liquid-sounding mid-range. If you are interested, you can search here for an explanation of SET technology, as I'm definitely not knowledgeable enough to offer one. I can only tell you what I hear. I find the triode sound to be the warmest in the tube realm, and the single-ended triode (SET) to be the most seductive and holographic sound, and particularly well suited for classical/vocals/jazz/instrumental music.

With an efficient speaker like the Silverline (or the Coincident, as mentioned by Lissnr), you can easily fill your room with a small wattage SET amp. I run the George Wright 3.5's in the same size room, and I never turn the preamp (also a George Wright) past the 11 o'clock position. I believe these 3.5's peak at 5 watts.

I have two friends whose years of audio experience was passed along to me, and I just lucked out in that I am overjoyed with their recommendations. I've auditioned a lot of equipment, some costing many multiples the price, and have yet to hear any system that I like more.

Remember, your ears are the only ones that count. This is exciting, no?
ATC SCM 12s. New $2200, used $1300. Best cone speaker I've ever heard period. And I travel the country alot and slip into audio shops everywhere.
Whoa! Soundstaging depth is predominantly the purview of room geometry and listening position. If you set up a fairly small triangle with lots of space behind the speaker plane you have the potential for a VERY deep stage.
If not, then only subtle spectral colorations (various speaker choices, cables, dedicated lines, etc) can provide some aspects of depth. One interesting extension of this is to "mirror" the geometry by using multiple speakers in an HT arrangement, where-in the "depth" exists predominantly in front of the speaker plane which is usually back near the video, if not on the front wall!
I'll let the eyebrows relax by certainly acknowledging that soundstage WIDTH and horizontal detail are provided predominantly by very well matched stereo pair monitors, especially when carefully positioned to optimize sidewall reflections. (Indeed, some reflection can be desirable to balance off-axis midrange vs tweeter responses (flare), and to widen the stage beyond the speaker positions.)
I fall back on my current systems by example:
2 channel uses a 7.5' equi-triangle in a 14x24x8 room. Asymmetrical, damped sidewalls (stuffed furniture, angled fireplace, window array broken up by molding, etc.) a few feet away, but with 10 feet space behind the speaker plane (no choice...Steinway B sitting there). Soundstage depth is remarkable. Easy to accomplish with any decent pair of monitors. By assuring VERY-WELL matched clones of drivers (Verity Audio Parsifal Encores), and slight tuning of sidewalls with throw pillows, etc., as a function of recording balance, I routinely achieve a 15' wide stage that easily goes deeply past the front wall out into the bushes! But it's more about the room geo than the optimization care I use to tweak it, methinks....
HT system: Spendor front trio (S3/1p and SC3) 1-2 feet off the front wall, flanking TV, with Boston VR-MX rears 15' back in a 14x24x cathedral 8-10' ceiling, VERY undamped. Spendors chosen because they're forgiving of bright HT mixes, a live room, AND their drivers are pretty carefully cloned for stereo imaging too. Yet my nearfield listening position yields NO depth beyond the speaker plane (I know, the TV doesn't help), and a 3D "space" erupts only when the rears are called into play (which the NAD receiver's "EARS" coder does well on 2 ch, thankfully).
(Further, I often listen to this system for background FM while on the computer at the opposite end of the room, where the 5.1 array is now FULLY "behind" my back. I have compared straight 2ch to 5.1 "coding" from this position often, and almost always prefer the spaciousness of the 5.1, since the "rears" now act as "extra-far" left and right speakers, as the main Spendors are 20 feet away.
So the perspective is having lots of "depth", but only in FRONT of the speaker plane....
As an example, if I'm listening to a live FM feed of the BSO at Symphony Hall on Friday afternoon, I can walk back and forth between the NAD "fake" 5.1 in front of me ( oh so BIG!) and the much more accurate 2 ch deep stage behind the speaker plane. The former is somewhat like my cheap-but-good 2nd balcony subscription seats...the latter like the pricier front orchestra "Brahmin chaises".
Sometimes programming material, mood, etc., dictate my preference. Usually commercial "multi-mono" rock and jazz recordings are so artificial that they're more fun in the sloppy "backwards" 5.1 HT system in this lively room. However, all acoustic 2 mike jazz of course sounds better in my $$ 2 ch ref system. And an odd rocker like that Stones' "LIVE" disc sounds phenomenal on the ref system. Stage depth back to Canada!
Sorry for such a long post, but I just wanted to emphasize that speaker placement/room geo is the predominant requisite for stage DEPTH creation, further optimized by speaker pair cloning and component quality only secondarily.
That being said, for under $2k, my limited commercial-speaker experience points to the Revel M20 for accuracy in a well-damped room, and Spendors for a more forgiving spectral tilt in a livelier room. There are of a course a myriad of choices, some as posted above, but paying attention to L/R speaker matching is important, and unfortunately well-practiced by only a few manufacturers, especially in the lower price ranges. It's interesting to note occasional disappointments that occur when someone insists upon buying a NEW pair of speakers instead of buying the dealer's demo pair, which as often as not might be randomly "matched" better! Driver sensitivity and response specs certainly have tightened as a rule throughout the industry over the decades (thankfully), but I still pay careful attention to makers' claims that drivers are referenced to tight response makes a BIG difference in soundstaging....
Sorry about the length of this post. You got my second cuppa joe! Ern