power conditioners are an absoloute waste of cash for mcintosh gear as are ultra hi end cables & power cords.
i dont know what it is about mac gear but it just plain dont need any help sounding great.
ive tried big$$$ cables & power cords with no benifit whatsoever & went back to the stock power cords & radio shack gold interconnects.
if your heart is set on spending some cash buy yourself a nice audio rack, do a search on audiogon under VTI, imo they have very nice & affordable racks that match mac's looks to a tee.
enjoy your system.
i dont know what it is about mac gear but it just plain dont need any help sounding great.
ive tried big$$$ cables & power cords with no benifit whatsoever & went back to the stock power cords & radio shack gold interconnects.
if your heart is set on spending some cash buy yourself a nice audio rack, do a search on audiogon under VTI, imo they have very nice & affordable racks that match mac's looks to a tee.
enjoy your system.