MG 20.1 or Wisdom audio m-75

Love the planar sound,would like some authority dynamicly with the speakers I decide to purchase, 14'by 33'by 8' Bryston 14b for bass,Sim w6's for mid and high. What would you choose when wife gives you the thumbs up for either one? What are the strong and weak points of these two systems ?
Hey Tireguy, I sure as hell would love to have a pair of the 20s so I could be part of this do I or don't I modify delema!! I could probably suffer through listening to them stock while I saved up for the mods. The way I figure it, if you gonna plop down 15 big ones for the speaks, then the mod should be a no brainer!!
I have a pair of the Wisdom M-50 and am planning to upgrade to the M-75 model soon. I cannot attest to the MG 20.1, because I never heard them. Having listened to my Wisdoms for approx. 6 years they are probably one of the most neutral and revealing speakers I have experienced. The active brain (crossover) allows you to custom tune the system to your room. Yes, you can do the acoustical traps rounte but my wife did not want all those "pillows" placed stratigically all around the room, no matter what they did! (And no,she is not unreasonable, I believe she has as much say as I do) I made more sense to me that the system can be tuned to the room rather than the room tunes to the system. Another aspect is do you have children or pets, the M-75 would be more environmental friendly to them as well as easier to clean. If you have a dedicated listening room that you can lock up, disregard the last sentence.
If you do decide to purchase the M-75, Wisdom Audio provides initial setup for new purchases and you can fine tune it to your own listening pleasure.
Choosing speakers is not an easy decision, but it can be fun. Enjoy!
FEDREAMS, Thanks for your reply. What amps do you have powering the M-50's,and what other speakers did you audition before buying the Wisdom's? what's your room size?and what do you think you will be gaining by upgrading to the M-75's ? SHAMAN
I was running EAD Powermaster 2000 to both top and bottom pieces at first. Then I picked up a Linar 250i amp and hooked it up to the planar portion which I felt made a difference in the detail and presentation. Currently, I am remodeling and my system is disassembled. I will put the system back together using the California Audio Labs 2500 amp and will compare it with the Linar. I suspect I will get better performance than the EAD and hoping better than the Linar, but we shall see.
I originally looked at mainly point source speakers, B & K, B & W, Wilson, Wilson Benesh, Genesis, Paradigm and Magnaplanar. I liked the sound of the Magnaplanar but the speaker seemed a bit delicate for my house which lead me to look at planar speakers.
My room is the size of a two car garage, I don't really remember the measurements, I guess 20' by 25'?
I believe I will be getting a larger soundstage and more detail considering the separate pieces. I heard the M-75 at The Home Entertainment show in January with an M-50 as the center channel and the new Neo speakers as the surrounds. It was quite impressive. I love the fact that I can adjust the speaker according to my needs. You can't really say that about to many other speakers. (But, it is personal taste.
I am considering using the new Neo's for my surrounds in a 5.1 setup.
Looking at your list of equipment, the M-75's should sound great. I started with the M-50's using four of the Bryston PP120 which sounded good. The EAD brought out more detail and a refined sound while the Linar added more polish and finesse. The Sim Audio W-6 should sound great with these and similar to the Linar. I have often thought of trying the W-10 to run the planar section. Right now, the Linar is sufficient but I may try the McCormack DNA 500 to match with the CAL amp. We'll see. I am not sure where you are located? Send me an email and we can discuss in more detail.