If Thiel, Wilson, Sonus, made active speakers?????

Lately I've seen a few "active speaker" threads on the gon.
So, I'm curious...if some of the more well known high-end speaker manufacturers, like Thiel, Wilson, Sonus, Merlin, Audio Physic, Verity audio,B&W (or whatever) offered "active speakers" in their lines, would you as audio consumers be interested in possibly buying them? That is of course assuming the same great clear, pure, refined sound you've come to love from your favorite line, only the befefits of an active speaker(more power, finess, controld, dynamics, pressence, soundstaging, etc).
Also, knowing you'd have to give up your favorite amp/amps and the flexibility of choice there(again, assuming the manufacture "got things right" in the amp sections, yielding stellar sonic results, bettering the passive designs they already offer), and would likely end up paying more for the speaker (if offered with crossover and amp's, as opposed to "adding those yourself"), do you still think you'd be interested?...or does your passive high end speaker you're likely using now suit you just fine, and you'd likely never consider changing?
I simply see no reason speaker makers can't come up with a speaker with an electronic active crossover, and maybe offer matching amps, or let you chose your own!!! The potential benefits surely have to out-weigh the potential downsides (if any, I don't see them), ya think?
Anyway, curious as to what people think.
Once again, if your fav speaker designer came out with the same superb sounding high end speakers in active configuration, do you think you'd gravitate that direction, even if it ment a cost premium(of course, you'd have to subtract your amp cost you'd otherwise have)?
Well, FWIW YES! I already have as I run a fully active Linn HT system. Just to set the record straight, there are some downsides.

1) Cost. I run 14 channels of amplification for a 5 speaker set up (OK the sub has another, but most do so I left this out). That's a lot of amps, wires, power cords, power lines, conditioning etc....

2) Set up is markedly more complicated, as is breaking down the system or moving it. This will AGAIN be done as Linn has officially recalled ALL my amps and Subwoofer amp as well!!!!! ARGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!

3) Upgrading becomes very difficult. For me, I can't just change out an amp, I'd ideally change out all 7 amps! Let's face it, who can afford 7 Linn Klimax twins at once??? More power to you if you can, but I'm not in that league!!

All this said, I love my Active speakers, and would have to sell them before I would convert them back to passive. The difference was that dramatic! I had these speakers single-amped, bi-amped, and ultimately tri-amped before getting the active cards and going active, while each step offered some improvement in sound, NOTHING was even close to the change I heard when I finally went active! The speakers just completely opened up and the definition was better, and the bass, WOW! I didn’t think these speakers could have that much bass!!!

I guess to answer your question… YES, I would buy active speakers (again)!

..."NOTHING was even close to the change I heard when I finally went active! The speakers just completely opened up and the definition was better, and the bass, WOW! I didn’t think these speakers could have that much bass!!!"...

Sounds like a happy customer to me, even with all the added cabling and amps.
Ok, now what if the above mentioned scenario included AMPS AND CROSSOVERS ALREADY BUILT INTO THE SPEAKERS!?! Wouldn't that even more simple than having to run both speaker wire to the speakers AND INTERCONNECTS TO THE AMPS BOTH!!!!!
Not only should having traditional active speakers(like Meridians) be simpler, you'd have all the advantages of simply running some interconnects(although balanced IC's better to cancel noise interference) to the speakers from the preamp, EVEN LONG DISTANCES WITH NO SIGNAL DEGRDATION, like you get with speaker wire!!!!!!!!
Really, I personally see nothing but possitives for active speakers! I also see this as the only possible option if someone ever does come out with "wireless speakers" that actually sound good...if applicable.
Still, for now, I think the advantages for home audio regarding active speakers is tremendous! Yes, it should be expected to cost more, but then you're saving elsewhere! And, the sound is potentially going to be that much more stellar(A strong reason dynamically challenged passive's are held back in potential, sorry), so it should be WAY WORTH IT!
What do ya think speaker makers?...Bobby Palcovic?...Jim Thiel?...DanDAugustino?...Bowers and Wilkerson?...Martin and Logan?...others?..anyone?....anyone?....Bueller?...Bueller?...Bueller?
Umm, its "Bowers and Wilkins".. also "Martin Logan"..

Bueller? Im sure Matthew Broderick would be proud.

As for active vs passive. Both can sound great! Both can sound horrid! Digital amplification in its various forms will drive active speaker development if there is indeed a road for them to be driven down. How many speaker manufacturers would you trust to incorporate a genuine top rank amplifier in their speakers? What about upgrades? Obviously a modular design approach is needed. What compromises would be made in speaker design to accomodate the amp in such a way? Interesting subject but im not going to jump up and down one way or the other.

If they'll sell, they'll make them. I think these speaker manufacturers did their homework in this regard and determined it's not in THEIR interests to pursue this product line. The last major shift the mainstream and high end audio manufacturers went through was home theater - they found out very quickly that survival depended on jumping into that market. Some dealers dropped Thiel, for example, for not reacting to home theater quick enough. Imagine what would have happened if Thiel went active instead of home theater. Resources (and dealer floorspaces) are not infinite, they must be allocated wisely to ensure profitability.