2wq filters: what do you recommend?

hello all,

just hooked up my new pair of 2wq's sunday and am thoroughly impressed by the improvement. overall clarity, soundstage width and depth, and of course bass extension. trying to figure out which way to go with the fixed filter, x-2, homemade, 5a. i'm not familiar with the 5a filter so if somone could explain them to me i would be grateful. any comparisons between the different filters would also be nice. what caps would you recommend if i go homemade? thanks for your time and info.

aloha keith
Ag insider logo xs@2xatagi
The model 5 filters are the way to go if you want absolute transparency. However, after I've said that, you can build some that are very, very close.
Most of the caps discussed above have their virtues. Each is a little different flavor. I wish I could decide what was accurate. I sorta favor the Auricaps but as Maxgain says, the Dynamicaps are good BUT they are fragile. I have found Kimber Kaps to be decent along with Hovlands. The Hovlands give you a smooth and warm sound. Pretty much the opposite of the Inifinicap.
When I used McCormack amps way back when, I would solder the cap inside the amp and do away with the extra connectors. The center conductor wire from the RCA input was removed and the cap inserted. Kinda of hard to do that with a lot of connectors soldered directly to the boards now.
Maxgain has the info above for making these. He's right on the money and they are simple to make. I tried the "Nude" approach and actually thought it was better also.
One other note, I was told that the new model 5a's crossover at 100hz instead of 80.
I found using a frequency crossover point just below 80 works best in my room(actually about 73)
Most of these caps are + or - 10%. Auricaps can be specified at precise values at + or - 1% with a given value on special order.
The bottom line here is you really need to experiment. The M-5 filter simplifies this greatly and by the time you get through playing around with the x-2 clones, you could buy a pair of the 5's!
One last note, be careful about the manufacturers stated input impedance. This generally varies a good bit. That's why it's important to narrow your choice down through experimentation.
Hey Bigtee, You been on vacation or something? I had to jump in and answer these questions. I don't usually like to post much for the most part anymore. Got tired of the battles with the Nay Sayers. They can just go on listening to crap systems.
i ordered a pair of model 5 filters yesterday. the dealer told me that the 5 and 3 filters have the same -3db point. don't hold me to this but will find out for sure in 3-4 weeks. right now i'm playing with the 2wq's, trying to figure out which way they sound best. so far anything with solo acoustic or electric bass sounds great, also bass solo's, but having trouble with missing notes on some other music. did the rives test. before adding the subs i had a +14db at 40hz. after adding subs, that is gone but i now have -13db at 50hz and -10db at 100, 125, and 160. any suggestions?

bigtee and maxgain,

thanks for the responses they're always very helpful.


good luck with the filters. is maxgain going to make them for you.

aloha keith
Keith, what happens if you reverse the phase? Really sounds like a phase issue of some cause. Sounds like you've got some real room problems. May have to move things around some if possible.
Maxgain, I was wondering the same about you. Drop me an e-mail sometime and catch me up.
I forgot to mention that I agree the M5 and x-2's for the 2wq's are 80 @ -3db but I think the new 5A has been moved up to 100hz @ -3db.