I think there's an excellent chance your Martin Logans will work at least as well as anything else; I'd say give 'em a fair chance before succumbing to "new speaker fever". Put 'em right up against the side walls, treat the area along the sidewall just in front of the panels (which is where your first reflections will happen), and treat the back wall where the backwave bounces off of it. I use diffusion instead of absorption, but that choice depends on your room's acoustic signature. Don't overdo absorption or you'll suck the life out of the sound.
Note that horn/dynamic hybrids usually don't integrate well at close range; some distance between you and the speakers is required. Now a single-driver speaker (like Cain & Cain Abbeys or something from the Omega line) doesn't have this problem, and will work well with SET's, but won't give you much in the bottom octave and a half or so. I'd say give the Martins a chance first.
Note that horn/dynamic hybrids usually don't integrate well at close range; some distance between you and the speakers is required. Now a single-driver speaker (like Cain & Cain Abbeys or something from the Omega line) doesn't have this problem, and will work well with SET's, but won't give you much in the bottom octave and a half or so. I'd say give the Martins a chance first.