Muddy Waters "Folk Singer"

I recently picked up a copy of Muddy Waters "Folk Singer" thanks to the forum. I could not believe the quality of the recording, not to mention the material from a cd I purchased for $7.95!! What are some of the other "gems" out there that are worth hunting for in blues or jazz and classical as well?
Kind of Blue - Miles Davis
Robert Johnson - Boxed Set
Jazz at the Pawnshop
The Healer - John Lee Hooker
The Bach Sonata's - Lara St. John (Astounding!)
Cafe Blue - Patricia Barber
Monk's Dream - Theloneous Monk
When a Woman gets the Blues - Rory Block
Anything by Jacintha
Temptation - Holly Cole
Anything by Eva Cassidy
I hope the copy you picked up of MW's Folk Singer was the Original Master Recording, UltradiscII Gold CD,(big difference!!) Another intimate Blues recording is Lightnin' Hopkins's Lightnin' CD or LP both great!
Has anyone compared the very recent release of Muddy's "Folk Singer" with the Gold Ultradisk II version which is a few years old ? The Gold is a favorite reference disk for me.