Wilson Maxx 2

Anyone heard these and compared them to the originals? Curious what the specific sonic differences are compared to the originals, which I found somewhat interesting in many ways but ultimately flawed in comparison with most modern speakers of anywhere near their price range. Are they sensitive enough to be run with low powered SET's or do they crave higher power?
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Thanks, Jonathan. You're right, but was wondering, hoping that there might be a way... ;^)

I know you had the originals at one point and probably went through many amps with them before going the Kharma Tenor route. With 95 db they start to become interesting for lower powered amps, but looking at those big woofers makes me wonder...
They were a big step up from my WP7's in that they produced a wall of sound.. versus just the pinpoint soundstage the WP7's provide. I still enjoy and believe no other speaker short of large Stators or Magnepans can provide the imaging or quickness with Dynamic that the WP7's provide...

I like the original Maxx's but the new ones make me want to upgrade (but that will be 2 years+ to save that kind of money for me.. )

I listend to the original Maxx 2's with Rowland 302 amp (not a small powered set..) I listened with the original Maxx with Halcro, both systems were in treated rooms and running Transparent XL or higher...
Thanks Cyto. Are you saying the Wp7 has more pinpoint imaging than the Maxx 2? Can those big boys disappear?