Looking for a speaker under $1000. used.

Hi Audiogoners, I'm looking for a musical, dynamic, involving speaker that images and soundstages like crazy, is easy to drive with a 40 watt int. tube amp. Room is 18' X 22 with a high ceiling. Listen to mainly male and female vocals, singer/songwriter pop rock at lower volumes. I've had monitors in the past,looking for floorstanders now. I'm in a remote area that has no hi-end dealers to compare. Any ideas?
Thanks, Jerry
If your looking for imaging and soundstaging capabilites...I would stick with a standmount...and I agree...the Europas are almost unbeatable at their price and well beyond...I also have a room exactly the size of yours...and they easily fill it up...
I have a stand by pair of Thiel 1.2's that I keep just for when I sell my mains and buy another pair. I just recently sold my mains and have been listening again to the 1.2's while in between my new purchase to arrive.
Just tonight as I am sitting and loving what I am hearing, I say to my self. Why did I even buy another pair when these sound so well?. The Thiels image like mad. Nice tight bass. I don't even know how long I will keep the new pair in place.
The 1.2's might be back in action at any time.
The best part about all of this is I paid $400 for the Thiel's. These IMHO beat out the pair that I just sold that cost 8-10 times more!
I agree with the first couple of posters. In fact, as I was reading your post, I thought, Soliloquy 5.0s. Then I read the part about your room size and floor standers and I thought...Soliloquy 5.3.

I'm not a current Soliloquy owner (though I had a pair of 5.0s awhile back) nor am I a dealer.

Based on your objectives and criteria...it's EXACTLY what you're looking for.
Thank you all for your replys. I've heard the Triangle Zerius and Celius models, they image and soundstage well, but probably not as musical as some others. Will look closer at the Soliloquy line, 5.3, 6.2, 6.3. And the Europa's, (yes Phasecorrect) I might stay with standmount monitors for there imaging and soundstaging abilites,but sometimes I would like a little more bass and dynamics without going to a powered sub. Thanks again Audiogoners! Jerry