Ohm question

OK, first off, I doubt i would ever try this, but i was just curious about something and thought i would get everyones take on this.

Bear with me now, im a little rusty on electronic formulas, and i might have this bass ackwards.

Basic understanding of electronics dictates that if you have 2 10ohm loads and wire them up in series you have a 20 ohm load right?

And if you have 2 10ohm loads, and wire them up in parallel, you get a 5ohm load right?

So, if you stack 2 4ohm speakers, what impact would you see as a result of wiring them in series to create a 8 ohm load?

How would it impact sonics?
Not sure about the answer to your question, but did you hear the one about the Hindu electrician who sat around chanting "ohm, ohm"?.....
Sonics-wise, it wouldn't be too good (except if yer stackin Marshalls) !!
My guess on the amp-watt thing they would be split in half.
There was a post the other day about stacking Dahlquist DQ-10's, didn't look too promising though.
It was done with some Vandy 1-C's at a dealer with pretty good sucess, so go figure.
I'm duckin out......... here come da hammers and daggers !!