realworld experience: Kharma subwoofer + 3.2 CRM

Beyond the shows and the recent positive comments by Jon Valin in the latest Absolute Sound, does anyone own the Kharma subwoofer and 3.2 CRM combination. If so, would they like to share their experience. What about playing this combination fairly loud (e.g. alternative rock/rock) ? How does the combo compare to say the Grand Midi's ?
The Midi Grands are more cohesive. I did not think the sub integrated well with the 3.2's. The soundstage seemed to shrink.
Give Lloyd Walker a call {610-666-6087}.He likes the sub and is working on bringing one in.The 75K Kharmas are much harder to drive in the bass {unusual impedance load}.
I think the sub with the 3.2’s is the ultimate in a sub/sat system. Contrary to what jtinn wrote I heard just the opposite--a big beautiful soundstage. Also at the show the sub did not get turned off so how someone could say it “shrinks” the soundstage is beyond my comprehension. I agree that in show conditions and during the break-in at the show it was a bit boomy at times but hearing it at GTT Audio after break-in it expanded the soundstage depth by at least 2x and did not hurt the top end at all. I feel properly set-up it integrated better than the Midi’s but hey that was the room I heard it in!