realworld experience: Kharma subwoofer + 3.2 CRM

Beyond the shows and the recent positive comments by Jon Valin in the latest Absolute Sound, does anyone own the Kharma subwoofer and 3.2 CRM combination. If so, would they like to share their experience. What about playing this combination fairly loud (e.g. alternative rock/rock) ? How does the combo compare to say the Grand Midi's ?
I am good friends with Lloyd Walker.He stated to me that he prefers the 3.2/sub to the Midis.He had extended exposure to the two systems at the "Show".He mentioned that he was impressed with the "new" Kharma tweeter,but was interested in getting his hands on an Enigma sub to compliment his 3.2s. .From my understanding,from his trip to J.Valins',was that the "new" Midis were a bit of a pistol to drive {in the bass}.
The 3.2's with the subs are not nearly as good as the Midi Exquisites. The midrange driver and the tweeter are far better in every way. I think Thom_yis talking about the Midi Grand Ceramiques and the 3.2 CRMs. With or without a subwoofer, the limitations of the 3.2's are still there.

The 3.2's are not intended to be a speaker that can play at high sps's. They will blow drivers when pushed. The Midi's can go quite a bit louder (10db).
Jtinn, I notice that you have your Kharmas up for sale here on the AGon.What gives?? Have you found a speaker that you prefer over the Kharmas??
Tom, I believe Jtinn is the US westcoast dealer (? importer) for Kharma. So those 1As may not be his personal pair.
Aroc,As I understand it,Kharma/GTT Audio And Jonathan Tinn have parted ways.Does anyone have any experience replacing drivers in the KHarmas? I understand that there is a special soldering technique they use and this cannot be done in the field.Actually,if done by a novice,the drivers could be damaged.Does this negate rewiring of the speaker? Has this been done to any current Kharmas on the market??