Traditional looking speakers

Suggestions please. I've been living with low end audio equipment for a long time. Now that I am completing a family room addition I am ready to purchase some great sounding equipment.
I want to start with speakers and build a system around them. Room size 17 X 18 with 10' ceiling. Speaker budget $2,500 plus or minus for pair. I need speakers that are "traditional looking". In other words GMA Europa, Meadoelarks, Maggies, etc. are all out of consideration although they all sound great. We listen to a lot of female vocals and acoustic music.
In short, I need speakers that are attractive when my eyes are open, and sound like the band is in the room with me when my eyes are closed.
I know "Beauty is in the eye of the speaker lover".
Used pair of Von Schweikert VR4Jr's.

Not bad looking. Short. Simple.

Dynamics of a moving army and plenty of elegance in the mids and highs.

Bargain at $2950 listed here on Audiogon.
This may cause some rebuttal and that's okay. I believe that speakers should be your last purchase, not your first. Buy your equipment first, get quality stuff that sounds synergistically good together, is easy to use (if that's inportant to you), has a history of reliability and has all the bells/whistles/power that you want. Spend down to your $2500 plus cables (people have different formulas for cable spending, mine is about 15% +/- of the total value of the rest of the system). I'm a firm believer that good speakers driven by average sources and amplification can only sound average at best. However, high quality components will make pretty good speakers sound their best. Speakers can only relay the signal provided to them, the better the source and signal, the better the sound. Just my opinion, it's your money. Good luck and have fun.
There are a pair of Audio Note speakers in your price range on A-gon. These are excellent speakers particularly for the type of music you describe and are about as traditional looking as you can get.

PS I have nothing to do with the seller
I second the Soliloquy's, including the 5.31's Also, Von Sweirkert VR2's fit your budget and criteria.

Good luck,
Try the Spendor Classic line. These are all shaped like "bookshelf" speakers though the larger ones in the line are big enough to be used as floorstanders. The SP2/3 is quite a nice speaker. You would probably want to put them on the recomended Sound Anchor stands or some other sturdy stand. Read Brothers in Charleston SC has helped me in the past with these speakers (good advice and fair prices on new ones).