VR-4jr or Gallo Nucleus Reference 3

Von Scheikert Audio VR-4jr or Gallo Nucleus Reference 3 with it's Gallo subwoofer amplifier (see the great review in the new Absolute Sound- cover story) . I have finally narrowed my choice in loudspeakers down to these two. The difference in the amount of money is not the issue here, but the sound is. Has anybody heard both speakers? What are your thoughts? Or does anyone just have an opinion on either one that they would like to share? My room is 13Ft. by 15 ft. It's main use is for the audio system (the TV is in another room. My amps are dual monoblock Quicksilver M80s (80 strong watts per). I like all types of creative music. I am looking for speakers with a great soundstage and imaging. I like good dynamics and low base when it is called for. Any helpful suggestions on which speaker to decide on would be greatly appreciated. I don't have the luxery to listen to either one before I order them. Thanks, Edward
ATC SCM20-A2 ($5K)perfect for your room size which is too small for both of the speakers you've selected.

Infact SCM-10's passive might even do the trick but you might find them a just bit light in the bass.

In your size room a sealed speaker system that is flat to 45 hz like the SCM20's will be -6dB at 25 hz due to room gain.

The ATC driver complement is much better than the VR7 let alone the VR4jr. The gallo is in the same boat, it does not have the parts to remain in the league with the ATC's

The SCM20's will unfortunately not require your amplifiers, since they have a built in 200 watt and 50 watt amplifers. As for dynamics in that size room the 20's will redefine your definition of dynamics.

Hope you have a dealer nearby. Call Flat Earth Audio the importer on occasion they will arrange an in home trial through your closest dealer.
I have not heard the VR4 Jr's but I have heard lots of good reports, particularly for small rooms (in contrast to what D Edwards says). I too have a small room and will be searching out a pair of VR4 Jr's to listen to. I have heard the Gallo's, though not in my room. I was very impressed by them but do not know if they will work in a small room. The subwoofer amp may not be necessary in a small room, probably should talk to Gallo about that. Be careful about assuming a product is good based solely on the components used, it's the execution that makes a good product.
I've heard the VR-4jr. They are truly giant killers. I'm usually one to nit pick what a speaker does right and wrong--including my own reference speakers which are far more expensive. However, the VR-4jr have about the perfect balance. They don't do one thing right at the expense of other things. If you are building a $25,000 speaker, well you should do that, but for a $4,000 speaker getting that balance becomes far more difficult. This is one speaker I can highly recommend particularly for smaller rooms. They sounded absolutely fantastic at HE2004 NYC in a smallish hotel room.