Going to take the plunge on JM Lab Micro Utopia Be

I've been auditioning a ton of speakers of late and seem to have finally met my match, the Micros, which I really love. they seem the most appropriate for my central listening tastes, which are typically electroacoustic and electronic. Very few speakers I heard covered the range of these on this music and yes we should buy speakers first and foremost to fit our music.

What I'd like to know now is what kind of amplification should I consider. The music I listen to covers a lot of wide frequency ranges--sometimes quite abruptly. I need equipment that can take the sonic punishment. What, dear folks, matches up best with the Micros in your opinions? I've read about the YBA's but I can't get them locally (I don't live in the states). I'd probably have to buy them on my next trip to the US or find something else. Any other recommendations? I've heard them very well with a Musical Fidelity setup, quite nicely with the AVI integrated, and today witnessed them with Chord Pre/Power. The dealer said that an older combo with Mark Levinson 28 and 29 would also be a good one. Any thoughts? thanks in advance.
Thanks gentlemen. My dealer recommended the Gryphon as well. I'm going to seriously consider it. Matt_Zak, I'll be in touch via email. Thanks again.
I have a Hovland HP100 & Pass X150.5 with Diva Be and works well. I just got rowland 201 & will let you know how it goes. Diva can be lean sounding and tend to work better with warmer electronics. Pass, Plinus Gyphon, Mcintosh & tubes.
Just got an email from YBA. It turns out that they have distribution over here in Korea as of Sept. 1, so I might be in luck in getting the Passion Integre integrated. Can anyone tell me the price in the US for this amp? I'd like it for comparison purposes. Thanks.

I'm surprised to hear some people have had success in pairing the Micros with McIntosh. My dealer here cautioned against it. What about the 6900 or the 2275 with the Micros? Any comments? Another amp I was considering was the Krell 400 integrated. Any remarks on that combination? It's going to be difficult for me in this locale to set up direct pairings because the individual stores sell different things. We have a good supply of old power amps over here like the Levinson 23, 23.5, 29, and 333. And pre's like the ML-6A, 26 SL, 26 and 28. Any comments on these in terms of comparison?

I've already mentioned the diminutive AVI integrated. Has anyone heard that one? It's a tiny beast blowing out 200 watts of very clear definition into 8 ohm loads and 375 in 4 ohms. It's consistently revued very highly in What Hi-Fi and other locales. I heard it with the Elecra 907 Bes and was almost ready to make a purchase but decided to hold out for the Micros, which were just a tad bit more firm.
bashline, I really don't know why the McIntosh gear wouldn't work. In my previous post I was using old Mac gear with my Mini Utopia's and they Mini's sounded pretty good. The old Mac gear (1976) didn't have the base authority or absolute seperation in the instruments as my new amp/pre amp but it wasn't bad. I wonder why the dealer is steering you away from the new stuff.....it's quite good from what I hear. I have also heard good things about YBA gear. My only recommendation for JM Labs matching is to stay away form electronics that tend to sound bright. I think the JM Labs speakers can lean towards the bright side and matching with bright electronics would not be the best.