Joule Electra VZN100 with Merlin VSM-MX.

Is this combo really so superb??
How compares the VZN100-VSM/MX combo with the very best combos out there (Tenot-Kharma, Wilson X1-Halcro, Boulder-Soundlab, etc. I´m considering this combo but here in Europe it´s close to impossible to hear one of them. Is this really one of the very few more natural and realistic combos out there regardless of price?

That's a wonderful thought.

Actually, I supply feet that provide a pathway for mechanical energy to drain into the isolation system when the component requires a degree of separation to facilitate ventillation. I am providing feet for Joneill.

When no ventillation is required, the component can be placed direcly on the platform.

I must drop out of the thread as it does not relate to my field. I apologize for any inconvenience to you and the readers.

All the best B. Keep up the great work.
Would like to know about the heat from the Joule. I have heard from a few sources that they do heat up the room. Is this a factor?
a factor?
to me the heat is not a factor in whether i like or use this amp or not. it may be for others but for me its sound is just too dam good to be without it.
does it heat up the room, a little but nothing to worry about. just open a window.
While the VZN 100 do throw some heat, I agee with Bobby. Open a window. Works quite well for me in a dedicated room 20X14x8.

can i digress a moment and ask a stupid question? ok, so i will anyway, all these comparions b/w the Berning and JE amp with Merlin's in very informative, but why is nobody discussing the price of these - and how that might factor into the equation?

I own a Berning ZH270 but not Merlins. Mine drives a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Homages, and to a wonderful effect. At one point, following this or another thread - looking for a good amp for my speakers, and in doing so I seem to recall something about the VZ100 going for $15,000 a monoblock set. If that's true, for Pete's sake, you could buy THREE Berning ZH270's for that price.

Anyway, for me and anyone else not born into the lucky sperm club, i'll the amp that costs 1/3 - the $4995 amp that could! Now, please correct me if im wrong on the price delta betweeen these......