Who makes a "true" Transmission Line speaker?...

Who makes a "true" Transmission Line speaker that displays some of the advantageous characteristics described in the previous threads regarding ported vs sealed vs TL? Does anyone make a true TL for under $10K? Who makes the best TL in your opinion and why?

Trelja, your response puzzles me. I went out and compared VR-2 to VR-4jr speakers. All I can tell you is that I was blown away with VR-4jr’s.

VR-4Jr’s were driven by the Gamut CD 1 CD Player, Rogue M-150 Monoblocks, and Ninety-Nine MAGNUM preamplifier.

I used Dave Brubeck - Quartet Time Out, Dinah Washington - the Diva Series, Monty Alexander Trio – Impressions in Blue, and Sheffield Lab James Newton Howard & Friends CD.

The first thing that shocked me is the sheer dynamics presented by the VR-4jr. It was like being at a live concert, where you fill the impact of the drums in your ribcage, the drums sounded real, musical and articulate. What I was not prepared for is to hear the resonance of the bass strings, I continued to shake my head in disbelieve of the juniors ability to resolve not only each note but also its true harmonics. I thought that VR-4jr had the help not from one but multiple subwoofers, but there were none in sight.

The second thing that shocked me is the seamless integration between all drivers. Not one frequency range was out of place. The soundstage was wider, and deeper and also imaged much better then VR-2.

What equipment was used to drive the VR-4jr?

Where these speaker using 50-pounds of lead, and where they on spikes?

What is speakers do you prefer?

Best regards,
Alxg, all I can say is that if the VR4Jrs impressed you this much, I heartily suggest you buy them! It is rare we fall in love with a component to this degree, and when we do, it is an obvious buy. I wish you well with them,
The Reynaud's I am familiar with are more line tunnels than transmission line, but I gather you have all been over these differences.

I haven't read the entire thread, but I heard the VSA 4 Juniors in the same room on the same day as the rest of PAAG. It was a small room, about 13 by 17, totally untreated, without a lot of speakers on display. The Ushers were close to the side walls. Both pairs were within about four feet of the wall behind them. I listened via the 30 wpc Granite Audio tube integrated and one of the Granite Audio CD source units.

The tonal balance and sound stage seemed way off to me. There may have been a hint of that snap others have alluded to. I cannot believe the 4 Juniors were sounding their best in this situation, but only based on hearing other VSA products in show settings.

Just for reference, the DB's in their larger room sounded better to me than the 4Jr, but not nearly good enough for 8k or whatever, imo. No deep bass in particular. (Others disagreed with this last judgement....)
Did anyone mention TDL from the UK who I believe are now out of business? These guys date back to IMF one of the early pioneers of transmission lines.
I heard a pair many years ago (when I was a student and couldn't afford them !) but I still remember how awesome the bass and bass quality was.