Speakers with great high and mid range

What are the speakers known specially for great high and Mid range although lacks litte bit in the lower base area, either bookshelf or floorstaning. Price range around $2000-$2500/pr

Some people say good full range speakers don't really need subs and integrating sub is not easy, but I think that option cost more and I'm kind of spoiled with listening music with subs...

I have REL Strata III which I enjoy a lot, and looking for speakers that will go well with it that have great high and Mid range...

It will be nice if it can stand relatively close to the back wall. Currently I'm thinking about Soliloquys and Sonus Fabers...

My current amp is 15W NAD and I'm upgrading it to 120-150W Bryston ST or SST
P.S.Another good one is Aerial and Joseph monitors if youb have access and can compare them.
For the price & performance I would suggest listen to Totem speaker which you'll find quite impressive from Low to High.
Maggies are an obvious choice in your case since you have the Rel Strata III, the other option you have is to go for the Paradigm Signature's baby model at around $2000, once they are paired with the Rel's they would be a great combination.

Just my $0.02
Definitely put Totem Acoustic Hawk or Forest or Mani-2 on your list. The Totems have an awesome high and mids. Also, I know they all mate well with the Rel Strata III.

Good luck,