I have receive a lot a good advice over the weeks and it is very much appreciated. D_edwards - your advice has been great & I can relate to the comparisons. Our conversation got me thinking & has brougt up some additional questions. Feedback is defintely appreciated.
I have decided on the ATC 20-2 (high-tech passive), but now wonder if going the active route may be beter in the long run. I would also add a center channel (either passive or active) & leave my existing rear speakers for the foreseeable future.
Going active will cost more in the near term, but I would eventually be able to downize my amp (Cary Cinema 5 amp) & sell off my existing speaker cable (fronts & center).
I have not heard the active speakers, however, and wonder about the tonal qualities of the amp. The 20sl is my room with the Cary amp were very neutral, dynamic and clear without any listener fatigue. Will the ATC amps be more similar to the Cary SS or more neutral like a Krell? Does it have any tendency to be bright? Does the dynamic attributes of going active offset the ability to match the amp to your other components?
What type of balanced cables would be a good match? Given I would need 3 - 3m cables they can get expensive & just make going active too expensive.
I would also want to keep my rear speakers on the low -end of the scale with a lower-end 2 channel amp. The speakers are only used for HT & I feel the expense of going active would be overkill. Is this approach reasonanble?
I realize I have asked a lot of questions. I have searched the internet & the people familar with active tend to prefer it. I just don't have that experience & the intent is to have these speakers at least 10 years. If I am not happy, I think it would pretty hard to sell active speakers that don't have a big name behind them.
Once again, thank you for your thoughts.
I have decided on the ATC 20-2 (high-tech passive), but now wonder if going the active route may be beter in the long run. I would also add a center channel (either passive or active) & leave my existing rear speakers for the foreseeable future.
Going active will cost more in the near term, but I would eventually be able to downize my amp (Cary Cinema 5 amp) & sell off my existing speaker cable (fronts & center).
I have not heard the active speakers, however, and wonder about the tonal qualities of the amp. The 20sl is my room with the Cary amp were very neutral, dynamic and clear without any listener fatigue. Will the ATC amps be more similar to the Cary SS or more neutral like a Krell? Does it have any tendency to be bright? Does the dynamic attributes of going active offset the ability to match the amp to your other components?
What type of balanced cables would be a good match? Given I would need 3 - 3m cables they can get expensive & just make going active too expensive.
I would also want to keep my rear speakers on the low -end of the scale with a lower-end 2 channel amp. The speakers are only used for HT & I feel the expense of going active would be overkill. Is this approach reasonanble?
I realize I have asked a lot of questions. I have searched the internet & the people familar with active tend to prefer it. I just don't have that experience & the intent is to have these speakers at least 10 years. If I am not happy, I think it would pretty hard to sell active speakers that don't have a big name behind them.
Once again, thank you for your thoughts.