Sean, it is so good to see that you took time out of your busy schedule to go through the above posts and do your typical blessing and discreditdations. In the future, please try to wordsmith your responses to shorten them. Really it is much easier on the reader to not have to spend so much time reading just to realize that nothing constructive or informative was really said.
"this speaker lacked the spec's that one really needs to properly judge a speaker on paper." Absurd, statements like this belong in Audio Asylum under the NEWBIE section.
"Your level of involvement / personal emotions seem to be clouding your response on this one. Then again, that seems to be a common situation when it comes to products that you endorse." Dr. Sean I will try to make an attempt in the future to run my posts by you prior to posting, so that you fully understand their intent and meaning, Furthurmore, its good to see that you have kept track of all my personal enodrsements.
I want to highlight two of your statements. Here's the first one: "Drew: very nice posts that are based on both common sense and science. Those two factors rarely meet when it comes to audio and audio forums. I applaud the efforts that you put forth in your post. He just said that this speaker lacked the spec's that one really needs to properly judge a speaker on paper"
Here's the other statement that i think requires further commentary / clarification: "Other than that, this looks to be a very well designed speaker."
If there is not adequate published specs on the speaker, how can you say it is a well designed speaker? It would appear that your level of involvement / personal emotions seem to be clouding your response on this one. Then again, that seems to be a common situation when it comes to commenting on anything topic.