Low freq. from small drivers? Is it possible

Can you get really low freq. (lets say 30 and down) from a small driver (~6 inch? What is the relationship between driver size and frequency? Most speakers today have went away from a large base driver (10 inches or more). Have we really come that far or is it really a compermize?

Any recomendations for smaller floor standers with good bass?


Dr. Ken
Michael: Based on the information provided, it is possible to tell that someone invested a lot of time and research into these speakers. Whether or not they do everything well or suitable for a given installation is another matter. The more spec's that the manufacturer provides, the more that one can interpret just how well they might fit their specific needs and desires. Sean

PS... Thanks for the kind words. I hope you have a pleasant week-end too : )
Thanks for turning what started to be a very friendly and uselful discussion on speakers into another pissing match of an unrelated topic. You did it here and you also managed to do it in the following thread on speakers.
Dear Mr. Speaker Designer - What I want...
Which by the way, no longer shows up on the discussion.

I for one,,, am sick of your flaming and have made a formal complaint again to Audiogon.
Thanks for all you have tried to do for me.
You said it yourself:"if properly done" and "midrange response should be improved"I have found that it sometimes is not done,actually ,most of the times.I still like a well designed two-way.
Sean and Michael
Thank you for your essays.
I'm shure it did not help Dr Ken much.
Blue Bull
I apologize to Dr. Ken Schuemann because it is most unfortunate that such a great product has been clouded by this unnecessary rhetoric.