upgrade of lamm/wilson

Current set up will be Lamm ML2.1 and wilson watt puppy 7.

What would be an upgraded speaker instead of the wilson 7? I want to keep the Lamm amplifier.

thx for opinions
Kharma speakers work very well with Lamm gear. I'm not sure if it is a distributor thing, but Lamm and Kharma nearly always show together at CES and similar events. As a Kharma owner I have entertained the idea of getting Lamm electronics, but so far that's as far as it's gone.
I own the WP7's and Lamm M1.1's and my next step would be the new Wilson Maxx II's as they throw a wall of sound; plus, do the pinpoint imaging that the WP7's do. It is utterly amazing the speed and volumn that the Maxx's operate with. the typical wilson soundstage and depth are incredible. There is more authority in the lowest octaves also and you have to be careful with the Maxx's as they can quickly attain extreme sound dB's with ease. Sensitivity is like 94-95 dB for 1 watt!

Spend money on accoustics if you want to get the most out of your system if you haven't already.
Ahhh...the eternal question of which speaker to match with the Lamm ML2's. It's funny how that tends to be the component people work around even though it's a tremendous challenge to find the right speaker. How efficient is efficient enough? The thing to do is look at both rated output in watts as well as the current from Lamm's transformers. Most people make the mistake of looking at them like 18 watt amps, but they act like a more powerful 75-80 watt amp subjectively speaking of course due to the amazing current delivery from those oh so transparent output transformers. Marc Mickelson runs his Maxx2's on the Lamm ML2's with no apparent issues with loudness or compression so perhaps... but wait. Have you ever heard the Lamm's on ultra high efficiency horns, say around oh, 110+db or so? I didn't think so. Once again, subjectively speaking, the Lamms can sound like the most natural yet frighteningly powerful and uncompressed amp on the planet, bar none. I should know as I've been on a mad quest for the best amp on this world for a number of years. Krell 600, 750, Levinson 33's, Rowland MC6, Rowland 9, VTL 750's large Boulders, Atmasphere, etc etc etc have all been through here or been heard. The Lamms have stayed.

What are your listening preferences? for music/room size/upstream equipment? What are your own personal tradeoffs when you listen? How evolved are your sensibilities????? What tend to be your best moments when listening? What speakers have you already owned and/or tried with or before the Lamms?