Rives PARC or Tact 2.0 AA for room correction?


I am looking for an analog room correction system and am looking at a used Rives PARC parametric EQ and Tact RCS 2.0 AA (with analog boards included) which were offered to me at similar prices.

I am quite happy running a pair of XLR interconnects straight from my CD player to my Preamp and have no intention of adding any DACs to my system.

However the advantage of getting the TACT is its versatility. I also suspect that it may be easier to set up.

Would the analog connections offered by the TACT be comparable to the Rives in terms of sound quality?

As I have no ability to trial both systems in my home, any advice is much appreciated.
Mr. Rives,

I appreciate your detailed reply and found it quite topical to my concerns.

I can also appreciate the introduction of digital artifacts (you mentioned ringing) with FFT filters (I've studied/designed such devices under Dr. Paul Horowitz). Still, one must weight the impact of such distortions against the larger issue of the room's corruption of the time component of the signal; for me, it is not hard to imagine such artifacts ultimatelly falling into the noise, particularly if the system is highly adjustable (as the TACT is).

At the end of the day, however, I suppose I'm still stuck with the inevitable home audition (you see, I am quite lazy :-). I only wish audio dealers were more receptive towards carrying such products, so I could give the different approaches the acid test: listening to them.

Again, thanks for your reply.

If you're interested in an analog EQ, then the TACT doesn't qualify. It is a digital device.
Thanks, I am grateful for all for your informative feedback. I'm glad my question has also stirred discussion on an issue that has concerned many.

For all practical purposes, it seems like the Rives is the better way to go if I want to preserve a purer analog signal. Will try to audition that in my system.

Alternatively I'm also thinking of a used 2.2x with the better DAC, if resale prices are close to the Rives and affordable.

Apart from the Absolute Sound review, has anybody out there compared/listened to the Tact 2.2X and the Rives PARC and made any observations?