Good monitors used under $1000?

HI. I am using a small room, and need some downsizing options. My room is currently 14x16x9, and I listen to a variety of music-classic jazz, modern jazz, electronic ambient and trance, alternative rock, and classical. My front end consists of a Cal Audio Icon MKII CDP, C-J PV10A tube preamp, and B&K Ref 4420 (225wpc) amp. I need something that is great on vocals and strings, but doesn't give too much away on the bass, and doesn't sound horrible with less than perfect source material.

I have so far listened to the Paradigm Studio 20's and 40's, Sonic Faber Concertino (cheapest monitor) and Vandersteen 1C's. I liked all, but the Sonus Faber had great vocals and also sounded great on classical strings. The Vandersteens were more well-rounded, with better bass. The Paradigms sounded good, but they were in a different listening environment-they did have good bass response, at least the 40 V.2 did. I would also be open to other suggestions. I don't really want to spend over $1000 used, and may downsize my front end amp, if necessary (I doubt I need 200wpc to run a monitor).
As a Europa owner I'll chip in and say that the treble, imaging, soundstage and microdynamics are all superb. They do also have an uncanny ability to bring out the best in all recordings, and make bad recordings enjoyable.

But I do find them a little lacking in bass for rock music. I have a REL strata sub crossed with the Europas and the overall result is great. On their own I think I might not be entirely happy for rock music.

You might get better bass from the europas with all that power on tap. The europas are 4 ohms, so you need current more than power. My amp is 60wpc into 8ohms, 120wpc into 4 ohms, so it's not veyr powerful, but it has a good ability to supply current.

User Europas run about $600 and a used REL runs about $800, so it's a bit over your budget, but a superb combination, which I'd guess would compete with most speakers this side of $5000.
Call me nuts, but the aestetics of the Europas is growing on me. I have them sitting on a pair of Osiris stands and they seem to be a great match from a function and proportion standpoint. My other hobby is building custom hardwood furniture, so I love the looks of well finished wood and I have to admit I miss the beauty of my natural cherry B&W N805s (what a beautiful speaker) but the looks of the Europas have just seem to grow on me.
I am sure the GMA's sound nice, but I just can't get past the looks of them. me, they look MUCH better when you see them up in.....not in a photograph. Especially on a nice stand. My wife loves the look (as well as the sound) and so do all her female friends. I get many compliments on their look. Honest.
I really like the way the four post Sound Anchors look with the Europas. To my eye the four posts match the lines of the speaker much better than the Osiris twin cylinders.
They sound good too!