Introducing Tubes?

Hello gang!
Well, It's been said of my system that "you could use some tubes in there". So, here is what I have: McCormack UDP-1/ Lexicon MC8/Krell FPB400cx. Tyler Linbrook Signature System (1piece speaker).
The system started as a home theater set up, which for family reasons, I should keep. The Questions:
How could i add tubes to the setup for 2 channel listening? Just add a tube cd player? Add a cdp AND a tube pre amp? (The Krell will do the amplification. ) Would that be enough to get the "tube sound" that has been so often described here on Agon? (I've never used tube gear). What would be a good sounding tube CDP for a rookie tube guy? (around $1000 new or used) Suggestions and/or advice is welcome and appreciated.
Thanks so much.
I favour tubes on the pre.Important to see how a tube pre will match with the Krell,look at the voltages and impedances of both components.Get a good matching tube pre with your excellent ss power and welcome to .....heaven !!
Good idea !
Very good tube CD player Audio Aero Capitole Mk2,but expensive.
Good luck
I personally think the preamp influences system sound mo ethan any component and thus would suggest a tubed preamp might be what you're looking for. But first ask yourself, are you saying you need tubes or are your friends? If you like the sound then stick with what you have, but personally I couldn't be without a tubed preamp. What's your price range?