amp for infiinity kappa 9

I looking for advice on which amp or amps to use. I'm in a transition from mid-FI to HI-FI. I want to build a system around the Infinity kappa 9s I just bought on e-bay for 800 dollars. I tried to drive the speakers on a yamaha m2 amp. No dice. It shuts down at moderate volume. Step 2 I tried an Adcom gfa 555. Cooked the amp in short time. I have heard that a tube pre amp is recommended because of the emit tweeters. I currently Use a Mcintosh MC2100. It will drive the speakers to its full power but falls short of what the speakers are capable of. Would another MC2100 work if i used the 2 for mono blocks 1 to each speaker or will I still come up short on power? The system I want to build will be very Basic. I have a Yamaha C2 pre-amp, dyno fm-3 tube tuner, Technics SM1200 tuntable, Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck, Akai GX 747 open reel tape deck,DBX 4bx dynamic range expander, and a Denon DCD 1500 cd player. I also have an ADC SS315 equalizer. Now I am aware that these are not the best componets to use but they are all that I have for now. Any and all advice on what to keep and what should go would be welcome. I listen to Blues and classic rock most of the time but sometimes classical and big band is a nice change. I dont even know how much I want to spend. I will just build the system slowly piece by piece and use some of what I have now. Most of this stuff was bought 20 years ago when I was in the service. Can anyone help this newbie out on my quest for HI-FI?
Do not unload them until you can get a hold of a Aragon 8008BB. Affordable and will provide you with the bass you might crave and are missing now.
Bemopti123 Thats a price I can live with. I'll give one a try. I might have to hock some more gear.
BTW, when I once had a pair of BC-2, Blue Circle Class A 75 watt monoblocks, eventhough they put out just 75 watts, the designer had recommended their own dedicated 20 amp line...which obviously I did not do. I was feeding things from a huge tube amp to other devices to the same outlet...and then, when I blew the resistors, or saw that the amp was not singing properly, I thought it was a flaw of the amp, just to later figure out that I was not providing enough amperage, watts, to the amp. It is possible that you might be also chocking the amps you are using with the Kappas. Do not put the amp on any sort of power conditioner or even strip with lights (and most likely a black transistor switch) because that will certainly mean that you are chocking off the amp from electricity. Put all amps directly into the wall receptacle. If possible, try to get yourself a dedicated amp. I think you live in a house, for the Kappas are large, therefore, something you might not have done and might be worthwhile is to make sure your outlets are "kosher" or pass the electric grade. After you are done, try the amps again and you will see. The Mac can be used for the top and the Aragon for the bottom and run for cover, you will have a good things going.

Paul from NYC
I have considered that the amps could be starving for power but I don't think this is the case. When I tried running the Adcom it was definitly the case I could see the lights dimming with the music. That was not true with the macs. It must have something to do with the audioformers. If anyone knows for sure please feel free to chime in.
Well I finally got the Kappa 9s singing. Just got a new pair of Aragon Palladium 1ks. They drive the speakers with power to spare. Thanks for the tip Bemoptil23. I'm sure all amps suggested would have done the job but the Aragons were affordable right here on the gon. I must say that these amps are very aggressive sounding compared the the Mcintoshs that I was using. Thats good and bad. The Mcs sounded more mellow and tube like but just didn't have the oomph to drive the Kappas. The Aragons are fast and detailed and take all the harshness out of the Emit tweeters. I'm happy now that I have good starting point to start building a new system. Now I need to start looking for a new pre amp amd cd player. Thanks all of you for your advice on driving the Kappas. I have the audio bug now stay tuned for futher updates on my quest for HI END audio
