Keep equipement or trade?

Now that I have been browsing these forums for awhile and since I have been an audiophile for alongtime so to speak since I am only 19 (i have always loved music and played) I have noticed some trends with people and their equipment.

1. Their are some people that keep their equipment. Not just keep it they keep it forever it gets hard use and they love it. They would never trade up for anything.

2. Those people that trade up all the time for the next best and greatest model. They are always looking for new speakers and what have you.

Now which catagorey do you fit in? Or do you see yourself fitting into one of these. I myself think I fit into the group that likes what they have and keeps it for along time.

For those of you who trade up all the time why are you never satasified with what you have and area always looking for the very best or what is it that fuels the trading up or sideways or whatever?
I like to try new things but because I try to keep my audio expenditures to a minimum, it's got to be a great deal that makes sense. A lot of times that's a trade rather than simply buying and selling. I like trading because people get creative but also because it cuts down on waiting time for your new gear. All that being said, I'll keep something if I really love it or think that it would be hard to replace. A good example is my Alon Lotus speakers, because I think they're undervalued I got a great price, but that also means I might have to resell at a fairly low price. Combine that with the fact that I really believe the speaker competes with many designs up to $5K and is very easy to drive, and it makes the replacement cost prohibitive. So they're a keeper. So I guess I'm mostly 2 with a bit of 1.
Wow Jond, you described me almost exactly. I just haven't made any trades, but what a good idea! I have gear like your Alon Lotuses--my preamp is a good example.

When I started building up my current system, I was looking to hear music the way it played on high-end gear I had heard and wanted to own. In other words, I had a goal: wonderful sound on great equipment--at bargain prices. I've reached that goal, I'm happy to say, although that doesn't mean I'l stop tweaking or upgrading.

I wonder if the 2s eventually turn into 1s once they find what they were looking for... or if the 2s look like 1s when they run short of cash.
When looking at my system, there is nothing in it over 2 years old, so I guess that makes me a 2. I would say it's a sense of adventure that leads one to experiment with new things. Some experiment in different ways, with automobiles, women, etc. I still have a car that I bought new in 1987, and a wife since 1984 (no I have not experimented!). So I guess audio is where my adventuresome side comes out and plays. After years of experimenting I've learned that you can be happy, but you can 'usually' do better also. I quote 'usually', because all change isn't for the better. Which can lead to more change.

I've been an audiophile (psycho??) for 30 years. I did live without changing anything for 7 years (a personal record). I did this at a time when my children were younger and required more attention. As they've progressed into their teenage years, and have become more reclusive, I've recently found myself being drawn back onto the merry-go-round. So I guess I've been a 1, but I'm currently a 2. I would say that I listen to music more now. I don't think it's because I'm an equipmentphile, I think it's simply because I also have more free time now then when my children were younger.
Believe it or not, they don't find dad as much fun to be around as they used to.
Sorry for the long reply, but I guess it's a complex issue.
Conclusion: I was a 2 who became a 1, who then has become a 2 again.

Happy Holidays,
I've fluctuated between being a one & a two & have been trying to settle down again. Some of my trades have been within the line itself & I'll use my amps for example: Once I settled on the Ayre line I had a V-3 for a year then upgraded to the V-5x for 2 years & have recently acquired a V-1x.

Now I find I do more experimenting with tweaks than anything & am always open for something else. Might not be better but you don't know unless you try.